Conferences - opening 8 am.

EZ-Lynks. Instalación flexible para tratamiento térmico de piezas de gran tamaño" INGENER, INGENIERIA DEL NERVION, S.A.

- Mejora de la eficiencia térmica en hornos industriales con materiales aislantes microporosos WDS®.

- Soldadura Aplitec - BMI

- Resistencias electricas y tubos radiantes para tratamiento térmico KANTHAL

- Tratamiento térmico de distencionado de soldadura del material P91 (acero CrMoV) J. Alexandre Silva Eng.º Metalúrgico e de Materiaies TRATERME

- WS quemadores autorecuperativos, INTERBIL

- Control de dureza en producción con corrientes Inducidas KRAUTKRÄMER FÖRSTER ESPAÑOLA S.A.

- INEX tubos radiantes , INTERBIL

- Soluciones de Vacío Energéticamente Eficientes para Hornos Industriales. OERLIKON LEYBOLD VACUUM SPAIN, S.A.

- Posibilidades y Beneficios de la Espectrometría de Emisión Óptica (OES) en los procesos de tratamiento térmico. KRAUTKRÄMER FÖRSTER ESPAÑOLA S.A.

- Cementación y temple optimizados de engranajes en una instalación SyncroTherm. André MULOT MTC

Additional conferences to come

Sponsors :
more companies to be added



















All papers have to present CASE STUDY in a pratical point of view.
No presentation is allowed without heat treatment application.
After 20 minutes for each presentation, 10 minutes are reserved for audience questions.

The audience is compouned of heat treatment professionels of mainSpanish Heat Treating Shops.

see 2011 congress 
You can take advantage of the audience and the quality of the papers to present your company
by a economical "promotional stand" compouned of a table, 3 chairs and the posibility to place a poster.

Reservation 390 euros (+VAT)
Be present
To be present at this event, all participants have to register.
Are included: coffee-break, lunch, distribution of all papers
and distribution of the Spanish Heat Treatment magazine TRATAMIENTOS TERMICOS

Inscription rights : 95 euros (+VAT)

If the link doesn't work, go to:

The Spanish worldwide Heat Treatment magazine
published since 1991