Foundry & Die Casting Conference
Stands, Papers, Networking in India

The most outstanding Foundry and Die Casting professionals meet in Pune.

PUNE, a very dynamic area of India for investment.


- New Technologies & New Markets for Foundries in India and worldwide - Automotive markets
International Foundry magazine FUNDIDORES

m- TESLA and Space X. a revolution in production with " Unboxed Process" to reduce cost 50%. Space X and AI

- Instrumentation for better Foundry and Die Casting
Vijayesh Instruments Pvt

- Understanding and Implementation of CQI 27 casting systems

- Aditya Consultants

- more to come


STAND 990 euros

Attendee 115


To receive an invoice, send the information to be mentioned in your invoice

For information, please send an email to ana@metalspain.com

All papers have to present a CASE STUDY from a practical point of view.
After 20 minutes for each presentation, 10 minutes are reserved for audience questions.
To propose a paper, please send the title (title only) for approval :

For information, please send an email to ana@metalspain.com

Open to all professionals, the papers should present the best innovations in Ferrous and non-Ferrous Foundry and Die Casting and include a CASE STUDY.
20 minutes for each presentation + 10 minutes for questions.
To present a paper, please email to india@metalspain.com.

The audience is composed of Foundries and Die Casting professionals of main Ferrous and non-Ferrous Foundries and Die Casters and the clients in all metals industries in India ( Automobile, OEM, Aerospace, etc.) and abroad.

STAND 990 euros

Attendee Registration 115 euros

Please send the title of your paper for approval

No extra charge for presenting a paper, just register 115 euros

For information, please send an email to ana@metalspain.com

We do not need the full presentation.

Paper is 20 minutes + 10 for questions. Ppt

present at previous congresses


For information, please send an email to ana@metalspain.com



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