- Introduction Paper from ORDEM DOS
ENGENHIEROS REGIÃO NORTE : Causas e consequências
das tensões residuais.
- The evaluation of management quality systems in heat treatment
process, a contingent view -TRATERME
- The importance of energy efficiency in local postweld heat
treatment - TRATERME
- Evolution of Heat
Treatment in Automobile Industries since 2004, worldwide, including
Nanotechs for Heat Treatment. TRATAMIENTOS TERMICOS
- Innovations in Low Pressure Carburizing
for High Production - IPSEN
- The Power of PMetrics : Optimizing Operations with Predictive
Maintenance - IPSEN
- OERLIKON LEYBOLD VACUUM : Energy Efficient Vacuum Solutions
- Virfac HT - simulating your Heat Treatment - GeonX
- More to comeOpened to all profesionals, the papers
should present the best innovations in Heat Treatment of metals
and include a CASE STUDY.
20 minutes for each presentation
+10 minutes for questions.
The audience is composed of heat treatment professionals of main
Heat Treating Shops and clients in all metals industries in Portugal
( Automobile, OEM, Aerospace, Foundries, Forges, Molds industries